Thursday, April 22, 2010

My love for shiny things.....

So normally when shiny things enter my life..... it is gorgeous jewelry from my husband who loves to spoil me. However, this time - it is a new truck! Well an SUV...a shiny black, pimped out, brand new Yukon! It's gorgeous.... and every time I drive it, I think I call more in love with it. So now we are a no mini van family.... finally! We are so not minivan people...and I don't think I should have to be punished in the vehicle department just because I have a million kids. It's gorgeous and I love it!

We're in the process of some home reno's.....also very exciting. Keith has moved into the office we built on the main level... thus opening up the upstairs office he was using and now will become a bedroom. So now ALL 6 kids will have their own rooms. Which is fabulous as I swear if I have to hear one more time 'her stuff is on my side' or 'I'm only cleaning my 1/2'.... I'm going to scream! So now... after this weekend everyone should be in their new accommodations...and I get a little bit closer to that thing called 'sanity' that I hear of.

All in all things are ticking right along. I'm not so good with the renos at times as I know it has to be chaotic before it gets better....and I just need to learn to relax a bit. But it is awesome...and if I need to get away - at least I have a gorgeous truck to run away in =)

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