Monday, July 19, 2010

A lot to digest.....

We've had a lot going on...some bad & some good. Last week Keith's uncle passed away. He had been battling cancer and for the most part had a lived a great it's a good thing that he's not in pain anymore. He will be missed, but at least he's not in pain anymore. They live in England, so Keith is leaving tomorrow night to head to the services that are on Friday. It will be nice for him to be there for his family & pay his last respects. I got to meet him when Keith and I went to the UK 2 years ago. His uncle was a very sweet guy that made me feel very welcome. We kept in touch after our I will miss him.

Now for the big news....drum roll please...... we are moving! Some people have known, but for the most part we were not telling people until it was a done deal...and that would be now. We were not looking to move - although it's been no secret that we have always wanted an acreage. So, this great deal fell into our laps a few months ago with a business associate of Keiths.... and since it wasn't anything that we were looking for, we felt we could be fairly picky on our conditions - the biggest of these being it must be a summer time possession date. And 2 days ago we were confirmed an August 20th possession birthday =) The house is in Bearspaw....which is North West of Calgary....about 30 minutes from where we live we can still be close to all the great friends we have here. Pretty excited to be closer to my girl T as well =)

It's a 4700 sq ft house on 2 acres.....yes! Exactly what we've always wanted!! So excited!! I'll keep you posted on the all the moving details.... but August 20th will be the big day! New house & happy 35th to me =)


Tiffany said...

Oh ya, uh huh....(I'm doin my happy dance...)

Tara said...

that's awesome. 4700 square fet? that's HUGE!!!! I am so happy for you.