Monday, July 5, 2010

Yet again.......

.....another great weekend!! Friday night was another night of a movie in with hubby & kids.....muchly needed as I didn't get to see much of the guy all week.

Saturday we divided and conquered.... K took the youngest 3 kids shopping to Toys R Us and then to Chuck E Cheese for some fun time with daddy. I took the other 5 to see Eclipse! It was AWESOME!!!!!! was great! Stuck very close to the of the book that I hoped would be in the movie were....definitely not disappointing. Now the long wait to Breaking Dawn! Ugh! Then a bbq with hubby & kids...yum!
Sunday.....K had to go into work for a bit.....when he got back it was a trip to the park and then picked up McD's for dinner. All in all - a great day!

Today Cody left for a week long scout camp.... had to drop him off at the departure in NE Calgary. Contrary to popular belief...yes I did remember where it was and I wasn't swallowed up in flames when I drove into their parking lot. So funny when you find out what some really think about you. Too bad I shut my 'give a damn' switch off a long time ago =)

Looking forward to the weather getting nice towards the end of the week.....a day trip to the lake with the kids might be in order. Need to get some house/yard work done but really dont feel like it.....after all, it is summer break....oh wait, that's just from school. Awe shucks!

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