Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some Real Truths

A very good friend of mine is a fantastic blogger...and once in a while she does a random list of things...which I've determined could be a great form of therapy. we go.

1. Did you know that if you don't have dinner on the table right at 5pm the world will not come to a sudden halt? I've determined that my biggest stress in life is actually myself. Constantly trying to keep things on a schedule that started way before I had a family to schedule for.... dinner does not need to be at 5pm.

2. Kids & scary movies....I'd rather have my children watch them with Keith and/or I in our home - then secretly watching them at other peoples houses like I did. If you dont let them watch....they will, they'll just do it somewhere else. So we watch scary movies with our kids - we alert them to when they need to cover their eyes..and when it's safe to uncover....and they are turning out just fine.

3. If one of my children is having a birthday party and your child does not get an not email me asking if your child is invited as you assumed that they rec'd an invitation and that your child just lost it. Seriously!

4. Children are to be seen and heard.....a household should be comfortable enough so that kids can tell you how they're feeling without walking on egg shells. If one of our kids thinks something is unfair or they have opinions on stuff....I'd rather they feel comfortable enough to tell us than 'pretend' that all is fine. The 'pretending' will go on for years.

5. Pop + kids = fine in our home

6. Family Day is every day in the Young need to set aside a specific time for it. Some of the best things in life are unscheduled.

7. I think it's hilarious that we were practically being stalked by people who are all about the freedom to choose. We're not going...we might not ever go again....but you showing up at my doorstep, following me home from the local grocery store and calling my house and late hours of the night to try and talk to us....didn't help your cause. Enough said.

8. House renovations are fun....expensive but fun. And then we have to decide if we stay in the house that we've sculpted to exactly what we want or if we sell and move...which is something we've always wanted to do...decisions decisions.

9. Happiness is doing what makes you happy....not doing what makes others happy.

10. Definitely an awesome method of therapy.... will definitely be doing it more often....thanks T.

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