Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why Dont They Listen.....

After being in our new home 6 months, the phone call that I knew would at some point come....came. I'm not exactly sure why the message was not sent from our last know, the one that said "The Young family have been asked to not be contacted". But I guess they had to try. After the first phone call with a very snotty person (mind you her attitude changed quickly when she realized I was not going to be bullied into doing what they "think is best for us") I was fairly certain that we would not hear anything further as I was pretty honest. But oh no..... two other people called within 2 days of each other, the last of which claiming that since I seem to have an attitude, perhaps it would be better if they spoke with my husband.... LMAO! I was quick to let them know that if they thought I had an attitude, they'd never survive K. It's now been about 4 days since the last brave one called...funny how when you start mentioning 'harassment' and 'legal action' that they finally will leave us alone. I don't call them every 2 days asking them why they go and wanting to fight with them about what they do and do not believe in.... so don't do it to me.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Have your name removed from the records?
I'm surprised it took them 6 months! :)