Thursday, September 2, 2010

From Your Lips to Gods Ears.....

Well after the hissy fit I threw the other day (it was pretty impressive), it was decided that yes, indeed, it was time to make a decision regarding the date of this move. So this morning was that (with 2 kids in tow - of course), the house builder, the house owner & the current tenant (all men). Usually I prefer to deal with men....yes, I have great girlfriends, but in the workplace or other situations - me and men get along very well...women are too meow! Until today....the current tenant is a gigantic ass! He was completely annoyed that I was there - even more so that I'd brought children with me. Terms such as "we can discuss details later after she's gone"... or "I'd appreciate discussing that after she's left" can kiss it buddy!
Not sure if he was pissed that I was there....or because until I threw my fit the other day, all these men were just happy to coast along waiting for the tenant to dictate what was going to he had all the power. Well my rant and threat to pull the plug on the whole thing put a damper on that. Amazing what sort of attention you get when you use a phrase like "I've been happy in this house for 8 years and I'll be happy here for 8 more". All of a sudden, magically, there was a meeting scheduled with everyone and that was that. So after leaving it in the hands of them men for 3 months...I got more decided in 2 days then they did in those 3 months - YOU"RE ALL WELCOME!
So....the 15th is it. I would have preferred to deal with this over the upcoming long weekend...but I guess 13 days wont kill me.

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