Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Grrrrrr STILL HERE! the title of this entry might suggested....I'm very pissed off right now! Since we first discussed/decided on moving..I've now heard 5 different possession/move in dates - ALL of those have come and gone.
Yesterday it took me finally telling the all other parties that my patience has ran out and that should we not have keys in our hand by Monday, that I think we should pull out of the deal and just stay where we are. (I know...ballsy)
A few hours pass.....the reply to my rant is that it looks like we're all a go for September 14th....yes, that's right....2 more weeks! WTF???? NOT a happy girl!!
But apparently I'm the only one who is not happy by this. Which, interestingly enough, I'm also the only one that this is a huge pain in the ass for. have started in their new schools.... in Bearspaw & Cochrane...which is a 1 hour drive from the Chestermere house. So they have a hired car & driver that is taking them to and from school. What will happen come Tuesday when my two youngest monsters start kindergarten - who the hell knows!
So.....I'm still here and I've gone on strike. I'm not packing, loading, cleaning or anything else until I have the keys in my hand to an empty house. I've already done so much, that to now find out that we have two more weeks of living out of boxes, suitcases and eating on 'dishes' that are only suitable for a picnic. So when the other house is empty and all of a sudden there is a huge rush to get out of here in a big hurry....I think I'll just take my sweet time. See how all the rest of them like having to wait on me for a while.

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