Monday, September 6, 2010

On A Positive Note.....

After I threw my huge fit last week (although truly justified), I remember that during that meeting at the new house, while the guy who currently lives there was busy being condescending and rude....I was noticing things in the house that I hadn't before. I began imagining things like cooking dinner in that gorgeous kitchen or sitting in the yard watching the kids play -- as I thought about this over the past couple of days, I realized that my patience will pay off as this will be worth it.
After the first week of having the children in their new schools and doing some trips back and forth from our new location and seeing the inside of the house does feel like home out there. Even as I stood out in "our" cul de sac (I can says ours because we are the only house in it) after the meeting, pacing back and forth while talking (ok yelling) on my cell phone to Keith giving him the's so peaceful out there....quiet....relaxing. The kids love it out there. As soon as they got out of the truck, they just ran...the extra space will be a huge perk!
When I left that meeting and was told we wouldn't be moving in until the 15th, it felt like forever. But this morning I realize it is only 9 days away - I think I can handle that.
Keith's been gone to BC again this weekend. Knock on wood it's the last weekend he'll have to go, but who knows. It was sort of good to have him gone. This move is putting a great deal of stress on me and it was nice to have some time to be in a bad mood if needed without having to constantly be/act happy. A few days, some clarity found..should be a better week.
Big Brother is coming to and end - oddly enough on Sept 15th (moving day)..I wont have Shaw hooked up at the new house until the 16th, so I'll probably be watching it on a laptop, but who cares. With the end of BB comes a little sadness as it is my favorite show and with it only airing during the summer, it's another 9 months until it returns...but also comes the excitement of all the new shows starting and favorites returning....finally repeat hell is over.
Plus, the kids and I realized this weekend that Halloween is next month. Halloween for us is like pre christmas.....we LOVE Halloween! Not quite sure what trick or treating will look like this year as we're out in the middle of no where. Probably drive across the highway to one of the edge of Calgary communities and take the kids out. Might need more Halloween decorations with more space to decorate =)

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