Interestingly enough, I'm not overly upset of Zachary's diagnosis today. In October, I took him to our family doctor as something was 'off' with Mr. Z. Now that we have the Epilepsy is under control...and there hasn't been a change in med's for a we couldn't blame that - but something was definitely up with Mr Z. I took the list of things that I starting noticing with Zachary and also things that were happening at school and went to the doctor. Her conclusion was either Autism and/or ADD. He had a few that fit both conditions, so off to a specialist we went. Which is where we were this morning.
After an hour long appointment of the doctor asking me a few questions and then asking Zachary many questions and watching him perform certain tasks, Autism was ruled out. A huge sigh of relief. However, ADHD he does have. Not certain that ADHD is going to be any easier, but in my mind, it is.
Obviously, after taking my HUGE sigh of relief, my next question was "now what?". Basically, because he's not a 'severe' case and kindergarten is considered early for an ADHD diagnosis as it's hard to distinguish between regular 5 year old boy 'rowdy' behavior and the signs/symptoms of ADHD. So, for now I need to educate myself. The doctor provided some great books, websites and there are even some support groups in Calgary - I'm thinking of checking them out. I and Zachary's teacher have both been given some homework....completing a survey/report about Zachary to better determine how the ADHD is impacting his life, both at home and at school. Then, basically we wait and see. If things get worse....we contact the doctor. If not, I take my newly found education and basically work with Zachary. Then, we'll revisit next year just for a follow up.
It's never a good thing when there is something wrong with your child, no matter the severity. That being said, I'm glad that autism is off the table. ADHD here we come!
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