Friday, May 14, 2010

One step closer......

Well....the changes that I have been speaking of for the past few entries and moving forward. The business related one is almost complete. The other....should be able to fully blog about next week. So stay tuned......

Now for a few bits of my mind....

1. Went to Strathmore last weekend to do grocery shopping as Emilie had a birthday party to attend to there, so I just did groceries there instead of making a trip into Calgary. Had 3 of my kids with which there was no 'I want' or massive tantrums. I pride myself of having well behaved kids. However, there was one little darling in the store that you could hear screaming through the entire time we were in the store. First, if any of my kids ever pulled that crap, there would be a series of spankings handed out (all you non-spankers, stop rolling your eyes). Secondly, did it ever cross your mind to leave the store and come back when you had either calmed down the spawn of Satan or didn't have to bring it with you????? Liked the store...loved the prices....could have done with the screaming kid

2. why do the kids only track in sand right after you've mopped the floor? Sandbox is in the backyard everyday.....they play in it almost every day.....but only on the day I mop the floor does it seem to come in the house in mass quantity....

3. neighbors - good friends or just snoops? hmmmmmm........

4. politics... I don't give a crap....and having someone on your campaign call me during dinner time and want me to listen to your speech about your candidate and the do a survey....not a good idea. I'm busy people!

5. I've started screening my conversations with people.... before I answer 'what are you up to'... or.... 'are you busy'.... I find out what they want first. Along side that....don't keep your distance & exclude me from things and call me for a favor - so not going to happen! I'm past the doormat, please everyone stage of my life.

6. I've always been thankful for living in a free country.....freedom runs much more deep though. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice......I LOVE FREEDOM!

7. Zachary is my 'challenge' child....but one day after telling him off for something, he turns to me and says ' love me more than you think you do'.... too funny and very true.... Love you Zach!

Well that's it.....looking forward to a quite but productive weekend. A few family members short as Keith is out of town and so is Cody....but the rest of us will live it up. Stay tuned next week.......

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