Monday, May 10, 2010

You cannot make me change.......

I thought I was passed being shocked my people's behavior - but yet again, I'm shocked. If you went months without seeing someone....what is likely to be the first thing you said to them if you crossed paths or called them on the phone? Possibly, 'how are you'...or 'how is your family'....or even something as trivial as 'nice weather we're having'. But in true snobby/judgmental fashion that I am well aware of and have grown accustom to ..... it was 'Hi this is _______. Why haven't we seen you in church?' Seriously....clearly you don't know me well if that is really how you think it smart to start a conversation with me. So, with no holding back, I proceeded to tell this person why. I think by the time I was done, they got the point and are very unlikely to ask again. But most likely, got off the phone and either immediately called a few several people to spread the gossip or just waited and ran with it at their weekly gossip fest.
I'm not entirely sure why people put themselves in this situation though...they sort of ask for it I think. If you tell people (or in this situation an organization of people) that you are not going to attend, you want your family removed from all their contact/visit lists and that if & when we decide to return you'll know it when you see us there..... I'm not sure how you can get that wrong. Pretty blunt I thought which is how you have to address some people that just refuse to hear the truth.
And you would think after such a request, that it would be I who would feel awkward when running into people from this organization in the local grocery store or at the schools..... nope, not one bit. But they cant scurry away fast enough. I'm not sure how my not attending deems me as someone not worthy of getting a hello from them....but after you've outed yourself as the black sheep - people scatter. I actually prefer it that way. Don't pretend to be my friend and then go chatter to anyone that will listen about who you saw and did they hear that we 'fell away'.... don't bring church up in every conversation trying to guilt me into me, I do not feel guilty about living my own life and feeling that I'm truly who I am and living the life I have always wanted. Don't pretend to love me ..... I know that you love those that do what you want more. A-ha ..... I caught ya!

Ok - no more time wasted on that.

My weekend was fabulous! Saturday had a great day with the kids, running errands and just generally hanging out with kids and Keith.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. Keith and the kids made me a yummy breakfast...and then we just spent the day together. Had a great chat with my Grandma last night. She is the true example of unconditional love.

Now were headed into the week. Looks like a fairly quiet one which will be nice. Now that I went crazy and cleaned my house top to bottom last week....this week (and going forward) will be the task of keeping it that way. Has to be easier than the crazy cleaning of last week.

Keith had an interesting meeting on Saturday....still cant say anything but will be very interesting to see if it all falls into place. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Tara said...

You know I totally agree with you. I go to church and I get ignored. doesn't make it easy to go for sure. But like you I have chosen to live my life a certain way abd even tho I dont feel welcomed at all I choose to go (maybe not 100% but enough) because it's the choice I made.

I make people uncomfortable because Sean doesn't go and they don't know how to deal with a mom that takeds her 3 kids by herself. but I go because fo the teachings not for the people

You have the right to choose to love your life the way that makes YOU and your family happy and if that makes some people uncomfortable then that is on their head and not yours. I admire you and your strength. good for you for sticking to your guns. going to church does not make you a better person than someone who doesn't I have learnt that from my husband, and a few old friends.